The Mystery of the Cross

The Mystery of the Cross

I’m neither a biologist nor a scientist but I just came across some discovery about this type of Protein – it’s called Laminin.
Laminin is a protein that is a piece of the extracellular framework in people and animals. The extracellular network (ECM) lies outside of cells and offers help and connection for cells inside organs (alongside numerous different capacities). Laminin has “arms” that partner with other laminin particles to frame sheets and tie to cells. Laminin and other ECM proteins basically “stick” the cells together, (for example, those coating the stomach and digestion tracts) to an establishment of connective tissue. This keeps the cells set up and enables them to work appropriately. The structure of laminin is significant for its capacity (as is valid for all proteins). One sort of inborn solid dystrophy results from imperfections in laminin. So I decided to google how this laminin looks like under a microscope. I was astonished to see a cross like shaped cell. God designed this protein cell to look like a cross and it holds all the other cells in a body together!!!!?
This made me remember this verse: “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:17). Jesus holds us together. He was made low to redeem us from where we were to become whole in Him. Jesus on the cross, gives us another chance to become a family in Him. Look at this verse: “Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman, [b] here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. John 19: 25-27” Jesus hints to us that the cross has given us a new family – the family of believers. It is through the cross that we find a new Family. Mary got a new family after her son died, a believer took her in to be a family to her.
It is the cross that bids us together, this is the Protein that brings the entire Body of Christ as one.
Are you bound to the Body of Christ?
Take a look at the Protein.
By Aguko



Milky way photo
Ever heard the song sang by Michael Learns “The Milky Way upon the heavens, is twinkling just for you, and Mr. Moon he came by, to say goodnight to you……” Have you ever thought how the milky way looks like?
Give me a chance to begin by clarifying what “the milky way” is. Our Sun (a star) and every one of the planets around it are a piece of a universe known as the Milky Way Galaxy. A world is an enormous gathering of stars, gas, and residue bound together by gravity. They arrive in an assortment of shapes and sizes. The Milky Way is a huge banned winding universe. Every one of the stars we see in the night sky are JUST A VERY SMALL PART of our own Milky Way Galaxy. Our universe is known as the Milky Way since it shows up as a milky band of light in the sky when you see it in an extremely dim territory.
It is extremely hard to include the quantity of stars in the Milky Way from our position inside the system. Man’s best gauges reveal to us that the Milky Way is comprised of around 100 billion stars. These stars structure an enormous plate whose breadth is around 100,000 light years (this is the only imaginary ruler man can use to measure the length of the Universe, 1 Light year is equivalent to speed of light in 1 second times the number of seconds in a year). Light travels at a speed of 300,000 Km per second from the Sun to the earth and still takes 8 minutes to land on your skin. This means in a year!? This is huge, astronomical my friend. I can’t calculate. Our Solar System is around 25,000 light years from the focal point of our cosmic system – we live in suburbia of our universe. Similarly as the Earth circumvents the Sun, the Sun circumvents the focal point of the Milky Way. It takes 250 million years for our Sun and the nearby planetary group to go right around the focal point of the Milky Way.
There are billions of different cosmic systems (galaxies) (like the Milky Way) in the Universe. Just three worlds outside our very own Milky Way Galaxy can be seen without a telescope, and show up as fluffy fixes in the sky with the unaided eye. The nearest cosmic systems that we can see without a telescope are the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. These satellite worlds of the Milky Way can be seen from the southern half of the globe. Indeed, even they are around 160,000 light a very long time from us. The Andromeda Galaxy is a bigger universe that can be seen from the northern side of the equator (with great visual perception and an exceptionally dim sky). It is about 2.5 million light years from us, however (according to scientists) its drawing nearer, and specialists anticipate that in around 4 billion years it will crash into the Milky Way. , i.e., it takes light 2.5 million years to contact us from one of our “close-by” systems. Different cosmic systems are significantly further away from us and must be seen through telescopes.
This is huge! Can you imagine if our normal Solar system that we always know is already that big, how about the milky way? Which is the home to our Solar System. Can you just imagine how God looks like? “The LORD merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born.” Psalms 33:6 NLT. Just Imagine such an astronomical splendors, He just sits somewhere and speaks out stars!! Ghai….!! And Bum!! The Big Bang! No wonder some gets confused and claims there was a big bang, Kumbe this big bang originated from God’s own mouth.
Somewhere he says: “Who else has held the oceans in his hand? Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers? Who else knows the weight of the earth or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?” Isaiah 40:12 NLT. Just imagine you are carrying Kabambe in your palm, this is how the Lord carries the entire Universe, not the earth, no, not the Solar System No, Not the Milky Way, No but the entire Universe containing the other Bigger Milky ways. Man, do you know that with a mere eyes, you cannot see the earth in the Milky Way. It’s a dot bro”!! That is how our God is huge. Alafu ka Ochunglo kadogo ya mtu kana chezea Mungu hapa. Wee mii niliacha kumchezea bwana…
How about you? Look at the Picture. Imagine our solar system is located somewhere around where I have indicated in a yellow arrow.
By Aguko

Is it true that you are Ready To Be Poured Out As an Offering?

On the off chance that I am being spilled out as a beverage offering on the forfeit and administration of your confidence, I am happy and celebrate with all of you. PHILIPPIANS 2:17

It is safe to say that you will forfeit yourself for crafted by another devotee—to spill out your life conciliatorily for the service and confidence of others? Or on the other hand do you say, “I am not willing to be spilled out the present moment, and I don’t need God to reveal to me how to serve Him. I need to pick the place of my own forfeit. What’s more, I need to have certain people watching me and saying, ‘Admirably done.’ ”

It is one thing to pursue God’s method for administration in the event that you are viewed as a saint, yet very something else if the street set apart out for you by God requires turning into a “doormat” under other individuals’ feet. God’s motivation might be to encourage you to state, “I realize that how generally will be humbled… ” (Philippians 4:12). Is it accurate to say that you are prepared to be relinquished that way? It is safe to say that you are prepared to be not exactly a unimportant small detail—to be so absolutely immaterial that nobody recollects that you regardless of whether they think about those you served? Is it accurate to say that you will give and be spilled out until you are spent and depleted—not looking to be helped, but rather to serve? A few holy people can’t do modest work while keeping up a virtuous frame of mind, since they feel such administration is unbecoming.


Joel or Yoel is a name signifying “Yahweh Is God” and may allude to: Joel (given name), starting point of the name including a rundown of individuals with the main name. Joel (surname), a surname. Joel (prophet), a prophet of antiquated Israel. Book of Joel, a book in the Jewish Tanakh, and in the Christian Bible, attributed to the prophet.


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United forever is a statement not all can agree with. This applies in friendship, relationship and even some times partnerships like in business etc. However, when it comes to marriage, it’s always give I give. No one wants to loose. Relationship and marriage is about humility. Humbling down to earth for the two to find ground. One cannot find ground to develop in a relationship if both couple are up on air – proud. We must both learn to humble. Learning to understand each other day by day and including God in all your endeavors.

Life sometimes is like walking in a dark room or approaching an opaque wall where you do not know who you going to heat next or who will heat you next. We must learn to be careful at all times. Learn to return back home no matter what happens. I will tell you part of my story:

I was once up in the air. I made all sorts of fun and the quorum of my friends kept on growing day by day. I got friends, good friends, genuine friends and great friends. With time, I realized that all the categories of friends taught me differently. I was unwise to take in anything taught to me. With time I involved myself into so much that spoilt my relationship with God and eventually in the house.

There are those who will tell you the truth you don’t want to hear, stick to them, they might be right about you. There are those that will lie to you about life, take precautions because you might not know their lies. There are also those that will teach you and try to nurture you, be careful it depends with the person, some may nurture you wrongly and some well. It depends on you the person on the mirror. What you take in is what you become.

Through this kind of experience, I came up with few comments to put a cross to those who might have been here and do not know how to get out.

  1. Be careful with your friends. Not all of them are genuine. There are those who are after what you have, I call them heat, take and run. Be very careful with them. I had many of them. They are there for you when they need you and when they don’t need you, they run away. Some of them mostly are the opposite gender. Be careful because they might be draining the little oil remaining in your jar to take home to your family. Proverbs says why waste you energy in the street? “Tafakari hayo” for those who are good with the Bible, read Proverbs chapter 5. It is very short. You can read all of it.


  1. Remember the far you’ve fallen from. Most of us when we have deviated from the right path we tend to live in denial. We do not want to accept the bitter waters of truth and repent. We tend to pretend that we are justified and very right. My friend, when you keep denying the truth, the truth will finally deny you on the day you’ll want the genuine truth. Accepting the truth is the baby steps to repentance. Revelation 2:5 says remember from whence you’ve fallen, repent and do the former things you used to do. This to me means that when we are wrong and lying to ourselves, we leave the right path. We are therefore being awakened to go back – make about-turn I call it; “a bow turn” (go round your life just like the bow is bent when tied on a string ready to shoot with an arrow.


  1. Accept you are wrong and see help. James 5:16 states that we should confess or wrongs to each other ad be helped. My question is; who is your genuine friend in your church whom you can poor down on their feet everything that’s choking your chest? Take someone aside and talk about them, let them advice and pray with you and accept that you’re wrong and ready to change. This is true repentance. In another place Jesus said if one of you wrongs you or wronged, go back to them and make up. He also talked about forgiveness. Let us embrace these on our chests.


  1. Ask for forgiveness and show repentance. Through our running away and wronging our family, we sometimes forget to ask for forgiveness from our partners. This is very prime in any relationship. Try it today ad thank me later. It works magic.


  1. Repeat the above four every day you feel you are misled by wrong friends.


Now that I have highlighted a few points, I will embark on more later if God gives me opportunity. For those that I wronged by misleading you or using you selfishly, please forgive me. For those that wronged me and thought it was my downfall, I forgive you. to my beloved wife, I appreciate your pardon and love. May God bless you abundantly.

My name is Ochieng Aguko and I will remain that.

By Aguko



Some notes taken from the book; humility – Andrew Murray

To every Christian the command comes from the throne of God Himself: humble yourself.

The earnest attempt to listen and obey will be rewarded with the painful discovery of two things;

  • The depth of our pride
  • And the powerlessness of all our efforts to destroy it (pride)

Before getting involved in the subject of humility, let us re-cap on why we are on Earth.

Genesis 2:26 gives us the answer:

God said Let Us make man in our image. He created them male and female.

The first step in humility is the acceptance of this God given purpose for our life. To be changed into the image of Jesus Christ

The command is clear. Humble yourself. But to humble yourself does not mean that you must conquer and cast out the pride of your nature and then form within yourself the lowliness of Jesus. No, this is God’s work

A description of humility:

How much Jesus Christ allows me to know Him?

Something here for the men: Eph 5:25 husbands love your wives, even if, yes, even if…..and that also….

Not to respond or react; wife is wrong I am right. God just says; husband – Love your Wife. To demand you are right is not love 1 Cor 13:5 Love does not insist on its own rights or its own way.  It is very possible men, that God may use your wife to give you lessons in humility without you knowing it!

Be still: Humble yourself, God will not do it.

Humility must be made the object of :

  • special desire
  • special prayer
  • faith
  • and practice

Our example being Christ himself; Matt 11:29 Learn of me; for I am gentle and humble. The virtue Jesus spoke of was; humility

Humility; is the only soil in which virtue will take root

Humility; is not a virtue along with others, it is the root of all

Humility: is from the very nature of things the first duty and the highest virtue of his creatures.

Humility; is not something we bring to God, or that He bestows; it is simply the sense of entire nothingness that comes when we see how truly God is everything.

God created the world from nothing, and as long as we are nothing, God can make something of us. Martin Luther:

Phil 2:5 Paul said …. Let Him be your example in humility

The only hope of a decreasing self is an increasing Christ: F.B. Meyerwp-image--1825784670.

Luke 22:27 I am among you as one who serves. Jesus

Humility before God is nothing if it is not proven in humility before others.

Rom 12:10 Honour one another above yourself

Rom 12:16 Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited, self-important, proud, vain, arrogant, superior, stuck-up, snobbish, self-satisfied, high and mighty.

1 Cor 13:4-5    Love – and there is no love without humility as its root

Gal 5:13          Serve one another in love

Eph 4:1-2        Live a life completely humble and gentle

Always giving thanks

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ

Phil 2: 3           Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself

Phil 2:5-8         Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus

Col 3:12           Clothe yourself; compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience. Bear with one another, forgive whatever grievances, forgive as the Lord forgave

Our humility before God has no value except as it prepares us to reveal the humility of Jesus to our fellowmen. Let us study humility in daily life in light of these words.

Blessed is the man who has learned to put his hope in God

Psa 62:5 My soul wait only upon God, and silently submit to Him. When we do this silently we remove the possibility of boasting or being proud. Our life is hid with Christ in God.

After reading this and we decide to become determined to be humble then we will fail. If you want humility as a great virtue of your life so other’s will love you – (see how selfish our nature is)- then we fail

Humility is only something God can work into our lives. To grow in humility is only possible through an increasing Christ in my life. Let God reveal Himself in any and all circumstance. Accept with gratitude everything that God allows from within or without, from friend or enemy, in nature or in grace, to remind you of your need in humbling and to help you in it.

By Ochieng Aguko



Please read this carefully and share widely. Even if you don’t agree with me it might as well help someone else. 

The title of my article is to attract you to read, this, otherwise the real title is THE FALL OF SOCIAL MANIA. The state of mental illness caused by prolonged excitements, euphoria, illusional paradigm or obsessions is what I call mania. Social mania disease has spread so fast and still spreading. You see clearly all types of people and their characters. From what they post on social media and comments they make on posts made by others. Majority would be excited to post very pathetic and dirty talks, insults, hatred and evil bizarre without being considerate of the rest of the audience and readers. Our culture has forgotten the good ways of the Lord and have fast and furiously followed the way of Satan. Unproductive talks, evil talks and bad behaviours have become our way of life. Social Mania has spreaded it’s infections into the Church, in the marriage, into the family and even at work. Misunderstanding concepts, hulling heavy insults has become very sweet for us.

I want to remind you one thing, everything will pass but the word of God will remain. This is what the Bible says; In the book of Matthew 12:34-37 – Holy Scriptures says; You offspring of snakes, how are you, being evil, able to say good things? because out of the heart’s store come the words of the mouth. The good man out of his good store gives good things; and the evil man out of his evil store gives evil things. And I say to you that in the day when they are judged, men will have to give an account of every foolish word they have said. For by your words will your righteousness be seen, and by your words you will be judged.
Brother, Sister, keep talking keep shouting to the top of your voice, keep spreading your maniac disease to every corridor of social media but remember, Jesus’ words. YOU WILL BE ACCOUNTABLE. Raila will not be there, Uhuru will not be there, a Kikuyu or a Luo will not be there. It will be you alone answring questions. The day is near. It is not far. I see it very close. Jesus said it is anytime from the day he ascended into heaven and all the signs He spoke of have all long been fulfilled. 

 For those who are clever, congratulations. Those who still hold on to culture and character, religion, and wise decisions, Proverbs 12:23, says to you; A sharp man keeps back his knowledge; but the heart of foolish men makes clear their foolish thoughts. Keep your good knowledge and don’t bark at every thing that crosses your bath, only dogs do that. The bible says that dogs are out. They don’t belong to the Kingdom.
So in a nut-shell, be careful. Those very posts, dirty words you speak will follow you. Actually sometimes they start coming back while still alive.

My respect to Judy W. Ochieng, Joan, and many more. I’ve never heard any flaw coming out from them. They are more righteous than I. Huts down for many others I have not mentioned here…including my close relatives whom I have interacted closely with. Thanks all

Going God’s Way


I do believe that the original plan, or intension for God was not for human to suffer and agonize about life. He was not intending to make man toil and sweat for servival as we now do. ​Genesis 1:28-31 -Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” And God said, “See, I have given you every herb [that] yields seed which [is] on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which [there is] life, [I have given] every green herb for food”; and it was so. Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed [it was] very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

God’s intension was simple – “enjoy the world”, enjoy whay I’ve created for your pleasure. But man with his taugh head, decided to listen to Satan and altered everything. We can now see the oposite. Human slavery, suffering and pain. God’s son Jesus came not only to show his power over creation but also to loose us from this satanic bondage that entangled us. John 3:16 says for God so loved the World…gave His son. But man has altered this scripture into John 16:3, that now, because of satan’s dominion, you’ll know them by their deeds.

Human, I strongly believe that just as Christ redeemed us back to God through His blood, we can also make the EARTH a better place- almost like God’s intended Eden. Science has proven it that we can tilt land without appying any modern method. It is said that we can grow crops and do firming without plaughing the land, nor digging the soil. Ask yourself; how do the forest grow and the weeds plant themselves yet no one plaughs for them? The same concept can work. So long as we can control the weeds the crops and provide water for irigation, crops can be grown on a virgin land without overturning the soil with plaughing hoes or tractors. A research was made around 2006/2007 in Zimbabwe by a couple who saw interest in sowing seeds of this kind of revelation. They made it practical that this can work. We can plant crops on the ground, conrol weeds by natural means and harvest crops without hard work. A group of volunteers in Australia have also seen the interest in this and are practising it and campaigning about it. Kenyans, we can do this. We can never lack food to eat nor clean water to drink if we could apply God’s way of life in all our activities.

Humans have been swayed too much into science, modenity and diversity. Yes, it is good but at the end of the day, God’s way will always prevail. As for me and my house, I will not relent. I’m not gonna bow down to nothing but God’s way of living.

We have risked our life, poor health, short lifespan, the harsh climate, global warming resulting into continual de-vegetation all over the earth. These have resulted to cancers, allergies and other dangerous sicknessess, life threatening catastrophies, like Tsunami, earth quakes and dangerous lightening due to poor or total neglegence of God’s creation. We are sufering. Internationally, nations are building more prisons than schools, more morturies than nurseries, more buildings that gardens and firms. More roads than water sources and maintaining natural resources like rivers. Where are we heading to?

This is just a cry, that if man could just remember the scriptures and God’s original intension, we can be far from all these dinamic catastrophies that befal us every day.

We leave it to human. God has said, He has given us choices. To decide to follow His law and live or avoid His law and die. We have chosen to disobey the Creator and see how we are dying.

As for me, am just a writer. It is you to play your part. Don’t sit and wait, do something today. Start by studying the word and learn from God, then apply God’s heart in your life. I have began applying it and it is working .

Thank you.

By. Ochieng Aguko

The Bible in Perspicuity

  In arguing that Christ is the goal, the end of the law of Moses, the apostle Paul quotes from Deuteronomy 30: “But the righteousness based on faith speaks as follows: “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’ (that is, to bring Christ down), or ‘Who will descend into the abyss?’ (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead).” But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart”—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, that if you confess with your mouth Jesusas Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation” (Rom. 10:6-10).

    In both passages, Paul’s and Moses’s purpose is to point out that God’s law, God’s commandments, God’s expectations are not so lofty or heavenly that they cannot be understood. Their point relates to a quality of the word of God known as perspicuity. That is a good theological term that means “clearly expressed and easily understood.”

    In other words, God’s word is clear. It isunderstandable. Kevin DeYoung, in his little book,Taking God at His Word, writes on the clearness of Scriptures, that it “upholds the notion that ordinary people using ordinary means can accurately understand enough of what must be known, believed, and observed for them to be faithful Christians” (pg. 59).

    How could it be otherwise? God is love. Love communicates as best it can. God is also perfect. Therefore, Perfection communicates perfectly. God is holy. Therefore, God will communicate that holiness and how it impacts man. The very nature of God argues for the perspicuity of Scripture.

    If man must believe and obey to be saved, then God must, by His own nature, clearly communicate those expectations to mankind so man will knowwhat to believe and what to obey.

    One of the great horrors of both Catholicism and Protestantism is that they have confused the Scriptures so that far too many people believe the Scriptures are not understandable. Is there any truth to the primacy of Peter? Is there any validity to church traditions as being prescriptive for modern Christians? Is the doctrine of baptism so esoteric that different denominations are justified in having different “doctrines” on baptism?

    The Scriptures are clear that they are clear. Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:24). That is clear. There is a body of truth and it is knowable. Paul said, “Understand what the will of the Lord is” (Eph. 5:17). That means there is a body of teaching known as the “will” of the Lord and it can be known. In the same text, Paul will point out that we are obligated to “walk” in the will of the Lord (vs 15). That implies that we can know the will of the Lord.

    John writes: “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13). Yes, the Scriptures are clear in what God expects of us.

    Let us not get hung up on things that are “hard to understand” (see 2 Peter 3:15-16) nor “controversial questions and disputes of words” (see 1 Tim. 6:4). Let us study the Scriptures honestly and humbly and draw conclusions that are demanded by the evidence.

You’ve got to be in!

 “You’ve got to get in or you ain’t gonna win.” It’s bad English – and it’s bad advice, too. This piece is not about gambling, but allow me to make a quick observation or two about gambling ads. Their slick-sounding words remind me of a warning posted by the apostle Paul in Romans 16:18 about false teachers: “For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple” (or naive). Gambling involves a lot of deceit, especially by promising a high pay-out with very little pay-in. Wilson Mizner defined gambling as, “The sure way of getting nothing for something.” Back to that gambling slogan above. The truth is that not many are gonna win even if they do get in! Millions of people spend tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars buying tickets, but very, very few “win.” Whether you are willing to admit it or not, you are far more likely to lose more than you win when you decide to get “in.”

All that said, there is a place where you can’t help but win if you get in. That “place” is “in Jesus Christ.” Listen to God’s word: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Could you use a “new lease on life?” Any old things in your life you would like to see “pass away” – a guilty conscience, fear and worry over sins committed, dread and worry over wrong things you did? Then get out of sin and come on in – into Jesus Christ, that is! Again, in Ephesians 1:3, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Still again in Ephesians 1:7, “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Walmart used to claim they were the “saving place” – but the real saving place has always been “in Jesus Christ!” The apostle Paul made that very claim in 2 Timothy 2:10 where he penned these powerful words from a Roman prison cell: “Therefore I endure all things for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.” Also, in Romans 8:1, after a long discussion about the futility of hoping for deliverance from the guilt and condemnation of sin through perfect human performance of God’s law, Paul declared, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” You might win some money if you get in the lottery. But there’s no “might” to it if you get into Christ – you will win over sin! Not because you are good and strong enough – but because Christ is. Two verses – are you listening? – I said two verses, and only two, tell God’s way of getting us into Christ – Romans 6:3 and Galatians 3:27. Read them. Baptism is the place where God puts us into Christ! Folks who deny the imperative nature of baptism into Christ have some explaining to do – how can you ever win if you don’t get in? According to the New Testament baptism is the place where God takes us out of sin and puts in – in His Son Jesus Christ. Are you in? Well, are you?